Pre School Cognitive (Math and Science)

Pre School Cognitive (Math and Science)

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Color Patterns
Parents get markers, paint, or crayons, and paper. Start a AB pattern then an AABB pattern. For ex. Red circle, blue circle, red circle, blue circle then ask what comes next. Help them draw that color and shape. Next do red square, red square, blue square, blue square and ask what comes next. See if the child can create their own pattern.

Ginger bread play-dough measuring. Help your child measure out the ingredients to make this home made play-dough recipe that smells great!

1 cup flour
1/4 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
3 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons ginger
2 teaspoons cloves
1 teaspoon allspice
1 cup water
1 tablespoon oil

Get a cup made of clear glass, find 2 pieces of notebook paper and you will need water for this activity. It is best to do this over the sink. First fill a glass with water full ( be sure to not overflow it) set your glass on the counter or table where ever you are working. Take you piece of paper and write down your child’s prediction of what will happen if you put piece of paper on top of the water glass and turn it upside down.
To start place the paper on top of the glass of water, then put your hand (palm) on top of it. Hold the glass and paper over the sink and then flip the glass over. Remove you hand from the paper and see what happens.

Sink or float: get a bowl and fill it with water. Find different items around the house like a clothes pin, fork, a toy or paper. Have your child predict what will happen if you put these items in the water. Will it sink or will it float. Write down the prediction and then test your prediction and write down the test results beside the prediction. Look and see if your child’s prediction was right.