Pre School Fine Motor
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Cutting Practice
Get a piece of paper (or more depending on their interest) and draw some lines. They can be straight, curved, or even shapes, depending on your child’s skill level. Now let your child practice cutting on the lines you drew, being sure to watch if they need help.
ELS 10.5PK.B
Clothes Pin Grab
Place small objects on the table (small toys, beads, etc.) that can be grabbed with a clothes pin. Have your child use the clothes pin like tweezers, pick up the objects, and place them in a container. Make sure they use both hands to really work on their fine motor skills.
ELS 10.5PK.A Use tongs or tweezers to pick up objects.
This is a very simple fine motor activity to do at home. Simply draw lines on paper and have the kids trace them using gems, buttons, beads or even cereal or goldfish crackers, Make the lines straight or curvy to make it a little more challenging.
Use hands, fingers, and wrists to manipulate smaller objects.
Sticker Names – Write your child’s name in large letters on a piece of construction paper. Have your child peel stickers and stick them onto the letters following the lines to make their name out of stickers. This will help your child work on fine motor skills as well as letter and name recognition.
Build a Person
Invite your child to make a person with playdoh by offering a box of supplies such as popsicle sticks, toothpicks, buttons and a variety of other small items (beware of choking hazards for younger children).
Ask your child what he/she could use to make legs, etc. Comment as he/she works. For example, “Those buttons make round black eyes. What a creative way to make a nose!”
You could also have your child form animals, letters, numbers, etc.