Infant Language and Literacy

Infant Language and Literacy

After completing an activity please fill out the Activity Completion Log.


“Sing a Song: Learning Rhyme, Rhythm, and Movement”

What you’ll need:
1) Your baby’s favorite nursery songs

What you’ll do
1) Sing songs while you play, do house work or while driving in the car
2) Move with the music and sing to your baby

Songs and Rhymes Throughout The Day
As you care for your baby, look for ways to use gentle, rhythmic motions and words. For example, when you rock your baby in a rocking chair, sing in time to the chair’s motion. After feeding, you might pat his back while chanting,” Burp, burp, burp, here comes the burp.”
Use calming words and rhythmic motions to soothe him when he cries such as,” Daddy loves you and mommy does too.” You can sing it over and over as you sway side to side while holding the baby.
Observe his body language as you move and sing. Does he appear content and relaxed in your arms? If not, try a different rhythmic motion.

Let’s Share Words
Tape down a large piece of sticky paper or Velcro on the floor. Put objects on top of the sticky paper and then, with your baby, try to pull them off. Use words that describe what’s happening. “That sticks!” “The ball is hard to pull off.”

Face Time/ Make Faces

For this activity you will only need your face!

What you’ll do:
Talking to your baby face to face is a great way to model language. When your baby is looking at you they can see the way you move your mouth to pronounce words and create sounds. This way they can imitate your mouth instead of trying to do it by ear.
A perfect time to do this activity is while diaper changing. Your baby can have a clear view of your face.

Make silly/funny faces are your baby to see if they can imitate you. Try sticking your tongue out or blow on an object to see if they can copy your faces. Language development requires a lot of watching and imitating to learn the sounds in words.

Alphabet Soup Sensory Tub
*** Do not let your child unattended for this activity. ***
Storage tub, food coloring, letters, and large slotted spoons
Fill the storage tub with enough water to safely move and add letters. Let your child use the slotted spoon to scoop out the letters. Describe and name the letters your child scoops out.
Let the child play as long as they are interested and interacting.
You will want some towels available to use to wipe up the water that will be spilled in this activity.